She is satisfied of the truthfulness of my statement 她完全相信我的话的真实。
I am satisfied of your ability to do the work 我确信你有做这种工作的能力。
I was satisfied of your job 我对你的工作很满意。
He then descended , but it was only when he felt his foot touch the ground that he was satisfied of his safety 于是他吹熄蜡烛,然后下去直到他的脚踏到地面的时候他才放心了。
Morientes did the same work as his teammates without pains . he was very happy and satisfied of training again 莫伦特斯和其他队员的训练内容相同,但是没有不适,他非常高兴并且很满意能够归队训练。
With the development of electric power industry , traditional current sensor are not satisfied of the requirement of technique 随着电力工业的发展,传统的电流传感器已经不能很好的满足工业技术的需要。
As all parents know , the most rewarding and satisfying of all investments that can be made are those made for the future of our children 所有的父母都知道,所有最有回报和最满意的投资就是为孩子未来投资!
We also felt satisfied of the powerful functions of docutech system . so we finally chose the solution of fuji xerox . 我们对docutech系统的强大功能也感到非常满意,所以最终选择了富士施乐公司的解决方案。 ”
I ask your pardon , said the doctor , in a subdued tone , after some moments . i do not doubt your loving lucie ; you may be satisfied of it “请你原谅, ”过了一会儿,医生压低了嗓子说, “我并不怀疑你爱露西,我可以让你满意。 ”
Thus , your site especially the homepage , must entice and catch the attention and seize it and let them be satisfied of what they are staring 因此,你的网站,特别是主页,最好能够吸引和抓住访问者的眼球,并使他们目不转睛地盯着他们所看到的内容。